Research Through Design onderzoeksproject 'Participatory City Making'Naast stedenbouwkundigen geven steeds meer verschillende ontwerpers, academici, beleidsmakers en burgers vorm aan de stad. Het project Participatory City Making verbindt huidige plannen 'van bovenaf' met bottom-up-initiatieven, faciliteert het ontwikkelen van een gemeenschappelijke stedelijke visie en geeft de nieuwe stadsmakers de mogelijkheid bij te dragen aan het realiseren van deze visionaire stadsconcepten.
The Participatory City Making project
The increasing complexity today’s cities face asks for a different way of City Making. This new city making process is not only about bringing various disciplines together that address urban developments, but foremost to establish a collaborative effort of defining a new way of working between professional designers, academics, policy makers and citizens. Incumbent actors typically follow more routine based thinking and behaviour, while addressing complex societal challenges requires more radical (social) innovation. The proposed Participatory City Making project considers the collaborative construction of new visions through small-scale experimenting as a way of triggering a process of broader change and transformation. Hereto, a new toolset is provided enabling heterogeneous stakeholders to participate actively as well as to explore the collaborative envisioned potential and articulate their own role in the new city making process.