Creating informal learning routes via a metromap as a metaphor we co-work with Europass on OpenBadges. Via OpenBadges we can and will validate skills and competences in various levels in a personalised way in the West Practice area. A cool way to develop oneself and build on resilience and craftsmanship.
More information on OpenBadges
The Europass Innovation working group published in April 2016 a report (Europass 2020: A vision for meeting the current and future needs of modern European citizens in recording and promoting skills, qualifications and experience). The opinion of this working group in short: Currently there is a landscape of scattered EU tools that get outdated rapidly. Integration of tools and real improvements are needed to reach digital and semantical compatibility. A popular service such as Europass should enable users to communicate validated skills and competences from various sources in a user friendly and personalised way. Happy to see the new Europass Decision (published October 4, a proposal "on a common framework for the provision of better services for skills and qualifications") move in the same direction, including recognition of the potential of Open Badges.