Images and dialogue
Developing strategy in co-creation with your stakeholders is the best way to prepare for the future and it's fun too. Because language is not always evident it's helpful to use images: photography as a means of deepening the dialogue .
For example: a medium-sized housing association understands that the company and its industrial context are in transition. Resources are scarce, there's limited government, issues get increasingly complex. The association calls for a dialogue with its stakeholders to reassess its vision based on deeply held beliefs. She realizes the need for other disciplines in making meaningful steps ahead.
In preparation for a meeting with all stakeholders, five organizational key players are interviewed on two core values: 'reciprocity' and 'doing more than necessary'. The outcomes of each interview were translated into two pictures, each of them depicting a point where the talks were exciting. Excitement mainly arousing from dilemmas or painful areas of decision making. Together, the ten photographs that emerged, visualized the starting point of an inspiring dialogue on future strategy with all stakeholders. Client: Plateau. Contact: Mariëlle Gebben.